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Shell Hack-a-Truck

The Shell Hack-a-Truck was a hackathon event held in Mountain View, CA, which was hosted by Royal Dutch Shell PLC on February 10 - 12.

The goal with this hackathon was to find a new and exciting ways to enjoy a phenomenon that everyone would like, in a more energy efficient way, while also looking into renewable energy sources. Teams that participated in the Shell Eco Marathon were invited to represent their university and the best food truck design would be constructed by Cruising Kitchens, the largest custom food truck and mobile business fabricator in the world.

Our team, the Illini EcoConcept, was fortunately invited and I attended the event with 3 other group members within the organization.

(from left: Me, Jigar Patel, Alessia Serafino, Michael Shea)

Our team managed to impress the judges with our design and we were awarded the Best Design Award. Consequently our truck was built by Crusing Kitchens and displayed at the 2017 Shell Eco Marathon in America and Europe.

We were also mentioned by the University newsletter and magazine. Please visit:

The final design can be seen in the Cruising Kitchens website:

Below are some pictures captured from the event.

Students gathered in front of the Google Garage

Cameroon, owner of Cruising Kitchen, presents about the limitations of the truck

Industrial design mentors

Our final presentation

The judges judging

Revealing the award

We recieved the Best Design Award!

Overall it was a very fun experience and I would like to thank Shell so much for this wonderful experience!

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